Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 4

Woke up really late mostly due to my bloated full body not letting me sleep very well. I had been awakened by my phone ringing. The hospital called to check on my status. I explained my situation (everything was okay except my extreme constipation). The nurse explained to me everything was normal and that the Milk of Magnesia should have solved it. She did not seem alarmed or concerned that today was my fourth day with no bowel movement (we get concerned at work after 3). She did not offer any suggestions or tell me to see a doctor if it persisted. I told her I was gonna try more medication today and she said "ok" then hung up. My grandma went to the store and bought some Magnesium Citrate. I had already taken another dose of the Colace and Dulcolax pills when she arrived. No matter what flavorings they add to this stuff it tastes gross I'm sure. I usually give it to my patients with the lemon-lime flavor and try to convince them it tastes like sprite (it's carbonated). Grandma got me cherry. It tastes worse than any cough syrup you've ever had. I held my nose and drank half the bottle as directed. I chased it with a full bottle of water. I went back to bed. I didn't have anything to eat all day. FINALLY!!! After about 3 hours I had alot of cramping and had a Bm (bowel movement)! I then went two more times in 10 minutes...a little excessive I know but I have had to go for so long and thrown so much arsonal in there it's bound to happen. I will probably have diarrhea for the rest of the day but I am so relived I don't care. I was able to finally eat and not feel sick. I was able to sit up for awhile without feeling like my seams were gonna burst. I haven't had alot of incisional pain just some discomfort so I've switched myself to extra strength tylenol instead of the percocet the prescribed. The percocet is very constipating. If I need something stronger that tylenol I can always take it. My follow-up appointment isn't until May 25 and I don't want to wait until then to discuss it.

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